Friday, December 26, 2014

Like Trailers?

Everything was fine, then these 4 men took a road trip and ruined everyone's visual imagination by roaming around for 10 minutes.

Much better than Unity:

Batman Arkham Knight:

Wanna play another Uncharted-esque game?

Speaking of which, here's #4:

Too many Snakes:

Gotta end the story somewhere:

Who's up for another Dragon Ball Z Movie?


Mastermind Creations: Sixshot's Cleaver upgrade!

No I'm not selling blades here. This is a deadliest upgrade yet I believe. there are others but this seems to be the most polished one I've bought. Not to mention bad-ass!

View the full post here if you like.

Time for some cleaving!

Ninjas with swords, never gets old.

It's cool OK?

Till later!

Microblaze's Fall of Cybertron Bruticus Upgrade Kit

This thing took its time to be released. Well it didn't disappoint! Why? Check out what Fall of Cybertron Bruticus looked like before the upgrade:

Oh god what hideous crap is this? 

And this is what its SUPPOSED to look like? OMG what do we do?


My eyes can finally see something that looks healthy.

Putting that big bad boy up there together is this guy! Onslaught himself! Finally a properly bulked up version of Onslaught. More pics of the combiner to come but first;

Man this sumo could do some serious damage!

I'll admit that the vehicle mode looks lame. But who cares!

Some other components of Bruticus also receive updates. I've only added pictures of the ones that actually look better enough to matter after the upgrades. But these guys don't really matter much, it's the combiner that packs it all together! Without further ado here's more;

Finally a Bruticus that looks imposing!

Cha Cha Cha Charmin fellas!

1/144 Calamity Gundam

I finally got a chance to build another one. this one is more of a rebuild, as I picked it up off a friend who didn't finish it up. Basically took the whole thing apart, sanded, panel lined and painted a few parts then put back together for completion.

Anyhow let's continue with the pictures:

Hard to imagine that all this makes one robot. NOT REALLY!

Them bazoooooookas are the one reason I like this Gundam.

Yep they can sit on the back too.

And if the fire power on shoulders isn't enough, There's a Twin barreled shield and hand bazooka to compensate.

More pictures just for praise.

One more! and Bye!