Sunday, December 20, 2015

Trailer update!



Kung Fu Panda 3

Now You See Me 2

Captain America 3 - Civil War

Batman vs Superman - Dawn of Justice

Suicide Squad:

X-MEN Apocalypse

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

Ice Age 5


Video Games:

Just Cause 3:

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4:

Far Cry - Primal

Need for Speed 2015 - Legends Update


Arkham Knight - Season of Infamy Update

Human Element:

Hunt - Horrors of the Gilded Age

GTA V - Executives and Other Criminals Update

Saturday, December 19, 2015

1/144 Dynames Gundam (2nd Version)

Had a second one so I decided to use it for a cloaked display.

The first Dynames Gundam can be viewed here

Sniper favorite!

Twin ass Thrusters

Cloak Mode! This is by far the most protective shielding I've seen on a Gundam.

Till the next time!

1/144 Verde Buster Gundam

Won't be explaining which one this is an upgrade of since both versions look great. Really like this one's sharp design.

Letting the pictures do the talking now:

Just before he has to lift a few tons of weight forever

That must hurt to carry, but love to unleash!

The "Big" Buster right?

Just in-case it wasn't clear enough

This one's made for the stand

Open wide and take your surprise!

Another one down and so many more to build.....

1/144 Blu Duel Gundam

The silhouette looks cool for this one when compared to the original Duel Gundam. The original just looked way too boring to even be purchased.

This is what the original Duel Gundam looks like:

And this is what the Blu Duel Gundam looks like -

Pistols are the most exciting addition to this. They retract behind the arms.

Full armor with knife pod open

Butt view!

Dynames pistols!

The "Shot-caller"

Till the next one!

1/144 RX 121 1 Gun Buster Gundam

I renamed this one to compensate for the missing replaced parts. Off to pictures!

Fat stance

This is where the "Gun Buster" comes from

Virtue's guns seemed to fit perfectly

This is where little makes its big presence
