Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Gundam Idea!

This is the first idea out of the parts I got. I call this one Reborn Exia! This is just an idea. Still have to paint and detail this thing. Many more ideas to come as I get time.

So the gun flips back ad forward. It has 3 GN Drives in total.

See those 3 tits? They're GN drives. Don't know what a GN drive is? Go to WIKIPEDIA!

Will write a Bio for this thing once I'm done with it. So far I've come up with "Celestial Being Salvaged pieces of Exia and Reborns Gundam, then stabilized 3 GN Drives......" Don't know the rest YET.

New Gundams

Well I just acquired some new Gundams and a shit load of parts off of a friend. Many ideas to work through the parts but here's the complete Gundams I got.

Gundam Age 1 (Not a huge fan of this mode)
This is the Gundam that enables the next 2 modes.

Gundam Age 1 Spallow (Love this one!)

Gundam Age 1 Titus (Extra love this!)

Still have to take them apart and panel line them, other than that I don't think anything needs paint on these guys.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Shadow Strike BumbleBee

Yes BumbleBee but here check out the difference in the pictures. This guy comes in Grey with PAINTED yellow on it.

BumbleBee the boss!

With Arms Micron Bow Gun and the cartridge gun.

You wanna mess with him?

Trying out the guns.


A few more pictures of Arms Microns being equipped:

I call this my own........CHARGE Canon?

WEAPONIZER has a different meaning in my mind!

Till next time!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Metal Gear Rising: Gray Fox skin!

Oh how the Metal Gear Solid game fans have wanted to play as the ninja for so long...............

This game lets us play as Raiden the current ninja of this game.

Don't know who Gray Fox is? Go here:

He was the NINJA of the first Metal Gear Solid game, but I rather not say much more just check this vid:

Where's the skin? Well you can use it in the coming up Metal Gear RISING game! Oh How excited I am to finally play as the Ninja of this franchise! There's much history to this game.

Oh and not just Gray Fox, even as Metal Gear Solid 4's Raiden.

Some More!

LET'ER RIP!!!!!!!!

I do so like the "split all my body parts" boss!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Stuff and More Pictures!

My good friend came through again and got this stuff in. So what's so cool about it? Find out in these pictures:

From Left to Right:

Matrix Sword with Purple Jewel (Dark Energon version)
Matrix Sword with  Blue Jewel (Autobot version)
Reprolabel Stickers for TF Prime Ratchet
4 Optimus Prime Blasters

This is how Ratchet looks after the stickers are applied, to see how he looked before without the stickers go HERE

Eh even if the blasters are meant to be for Optimus they still look amazing on Ratchet.

Let's try out those BLASTERS!


Meh "First Edition" Optimus Prime as the nerds would like to call it pffft "First Edition" my ass. It isn't an AMAZING toy. Sure it looks CLOSE to the animation model but really? Does every toy have to be accurate to be cool? And that's not why I don't like this figure no. Mostly it's because of all the hype people have for this (First Edition) Optimus compared to the one up there holding the blasters.

People have to give other figures a chance not everything has to be ACCURATE!

He looks good with the blasters too

Here's Arms Master Optimus holding the Blasters.

 Check out that Sword wielding!

Oh and those swords ARE sharp trust me. Oh and sorry no pics of the "Purple Jewel" sword with a Decepticon holding it, I was too lazy so Optimus double wielded.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Arms Micron Ultra Magnus!

Been waiting for this guy, I was very glad to get him last Saturday. amazing figure in every way much better than that gloomy Hasbro version that has very dark blue and what not.

Box prison.

Here's his Arms Micron/Minicon. Very cool little guy, turns in to a hammer!

Should be using that base in the dark but whatever it's lighting up pretty good on its own.

Trying on some other Arms Microns.

I posted these pics in my last post still this is one of the coolest arm canons I've seen.

Or these.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More New Arms Microns!

More Arms Microns means more weapons to add to my collection!

Boxed yeah........wooo not interesting.......


First up is These Red guys in Robot mode.

Canon mode ROCKS!
And no they DON'T light up it's just me flashing a laser at it while taking the pic.

Here's how they look on Ironhide.

Ultra Magnus looks BOSS with those on!

These Yellow guys next.

YEAH Swords!!!!!

Orange is a good color.

Yep they turn in to sword too!



Prime can haul 2 of em!

 Dual wielding = Cool

He volunteered to field test these weapons.

I REALLY like the robot mode on these guys. They're like chubby little CLIFFJUMPERS!

Double barrel Blasters is what they turn in to.

Ultra Magnus takes the cake again! These Microns are the best thing since the Armada Minicons!

Here's all the combiner weapon modes that Takara has showed us so far.

The combined Star Saber!

Here's the Glaive and the combined Blaster.


Scorpions that turn in to....

Blasters or Tentacles

Blasters for now, but wiggle woog them and they become tentacles like the ones he uses in the show.

These are my new favorites from the Decepticon microns, these little beetles turn in to some sweet claws.



Claw Null Ray Canons, very similar to what Starscream uses in the show.

OR use em as a bow/chop chop scissor claw?

Not sure what they look like? HOGS!

And THEY turn in to Blasters!

If you've got 2, WHY NOT dual wield them?

These Bulky ones are not very cool in their Robot mode, if anything they look like little apes.

BUT their blaster mode kicks the ass outta every other blaster!

Amazing huh? DUAL Arm canons on Megatron!

Ultra Magnus continues to impress!

Here's the combined GRAVITY PLANET BOW as they call it.

Eh Pretty heavy once you combine all 5 hehe

To be honest there's many other cooler combinations you can make yourself and use these weapons on your TF figures. such as this:

I combined three of them to make my own Star Saber.