Been a long time? Took a vacation? Stopped building? Lost interest? NOPE! Just had less time.
I present the worst name to remember w/e w/e w/e S GUNDAM!
I know no history about this one, neither did I ever watch the series. What I do know, is that it looks awesome! Especially in the master grade scale. Always wanted a Gundam that somewhat resembled the Zeta Gundam all pointy with V lines all over the place.
Pictures won't have much poses, but note that this thing is hefty and takes a great amount of time to build as it's master grade structure is not up to date with today's MG builds. But nonetheless it still retains all articulation and stance that a Master Grade should!
Enjoy the pictures-
No wings, no guns, just face the camera.
I always thought it would look better without its wings, but as you'll notice I eventually ended up using the wings on it.
Oh yeah that gun!
Could bring myself to try another pose with this, didn't wanna ruin where I was going with this one hehe
At last it's complete!
Yeah, before anyone guesses what that thing on the back is, let me just say that I do not agree with what you think it is!
Till the next post!