Friday, July 23, 2010

ORB 01 Akatsuki! Where's the ZGMF?

Yeah this Gundam was not made by Zaft so there's no ZGMF 0000011111 LOL, Although I do love the ZGMF Xw/ew/eA kind of a model name! He may not be a ZGMF but, he's from the Gundam Seed Destiny Series. The only Gold Gundam in the whole series. He's ONE AWWWWWWWWWWWWWESOME GUNDAM ! This kit cost me 99.98 + tax, I don't think that's much for a GOLD gundam, especially when the gold doesn't wear off easily! i tried to scratch it off with my nails and nope it wouldn't scratch the paint off. that was jus ta test so don't try it on your model kits!

A little bit of info about this guy, I've heard that this suit was made even before Zaft made their ZGMF X13A aka The Providence gundam. So it could be that the dragoon system was stolen by Zaft. I'm not sure since, this is just my imagination. This Gundam can create a shield with his dragoons or fire them like Strike Freedom as well, awesome huh?

And just for burns, THIS GUNDAM CAN SHINE! It comes with a stand so that's a bonus!

There's a Con to this kit:

The joints are VERY tight so, be carefull when you try to pose him, you may have to hold the whole shoulder while trying to  move the arm or else something can break.

Let's start with the box and this is one box I haven't thrown out haha!

 Uh oh forgot to take the Sticker off sigh the $ sticker!

Look at what a pain this is going to be!

The Shiranui pack....oh no....

This one looks so Epic even without any weapons!

Close up, yeah you can see my finger prints lol

 Such a ninja like face!

I finally had the shield ready before anythign else.

Shiranui back pack may not look so good but, it's more like a Dragoon system.

The back view of Shiranui OMG MY EYES!

The Shield can launch! (Nah just kidding)

The Shiranui pack can be posed this way too kinda like the Legend Gundam.

Just another pose Before I show you the Oowashi replacement!

"Kimino Sugatawa Boku ni Niteru"Gundam Seed ends! I wish akatsuki did a pose like this in the intro lol

Finally I'll show off the Oowashi pack independently cuz it's my favourite =D

This looks so much better IMO
Back view.

 And boom boom boom shootin the stars!

Here's a few poses to give you an idea of the articulation:

Hehe couldn't help but try the Sword Impulse pose!

There's 1/144 akatsuki Gundam out there it comes with 2 differrent packs one model has the shiranui and the other has Oowashi, if I wasn't able to afford 1/100s, I'd go for the Oowashi because it just looks that good, wings FTW. But I'm starting to go with the 1/144s for the Gundam 00 line as it's fun building the smaller kits and they're more accurate and posable compared to 1/100 Gundam 00 kits, they've got more accessories for 1/144s that you can buy and besides I'd like my collection to show some differences between one series and the other. 

I don't think I'll be buying more of Gundam Seed/Destiny Gundams as I've aquired the 5 strongest in 1/100 scale, there's a few more on my want list tho, Freedom, Force/Sword Impulse and  Chaos. But those are not that important to me so for now i'm moving on to the Gundam 00 line.

Now here's a question for you people out there:

Which Akatsuki pack do YOU prefer? Depending on that I'll be displaying it, is it the Shiranui or is it the Oowashi?

Monday, July 19, 2010

ZGMF X20A Strike Freedom

Okay so I wanted to blog and then I didn't for a while but, what the heck I am now. Here's my Strike Freedom I built like 4 months ago?

The box, the artwork is not as good as the other 1/100 scales I've bought IMO

"Look, Wings!"

Completely vulnerable to anything!

Not really, he can still defend himself.

"Hey you! Tiny!"

"Yes? Yes Yes sir Understood will commence mission...."

"What's that..light....."

Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiruuuuuuunnnnn Maaaaaaaaaaan!

So what if he doesn't have any wings? He will soon!



"This is not gonna work.....I know it...."

"lord HELP me find something that I CAN do"

And then he was complete...

"Wingo Ophen"

"Wingo Closo"

"doublo shotto"

Hmm I like this pose...

Same same...

This is what happens when you make Strike Freedom play Counter Strike!

Gundam Seed Destiny Season 2 Opening pose!

"Lasaaaah Canun fiyaaah!"

I dunno what you call this uh...

The only thing this pic is missing is the perverted images they insert in the Gundam Openings, a naked guy and a girl kissing while the gundam does this sort of thing.....

Well I guess it's more like this

Love this one

and this!

yeah so what if he can't holt a twin sword, you can always shove the beam in hehe

This Master Grade Strike Freedom is the best Strike Freedom you'll find out there, it's damn expesive and damn impressive at the same time, if you're a Gundam Seed fan, I say get this MG model kit. It took me like 20 days to build this kit. Most ppl out there take like 7 days but, hey I've other things to do. it was pain making this as everytime I thought I was gonna be finishing this, there'd always be something more....It's well worth it!