Monday, July 19, 2010

TFcon 2010!

This was my first Transformers/Marvel/w/e convention and I gotta say I had no idea where I was, what I wanted to buy, when I got there and who was I going to meet, I spent about 1 hour walking around in circles figuring out what I wanted to buy and from whom then I kept forgetting cuz there were so many booths that I had to go aroudn the corner and there was ALOT OF G1 stuff which I hate! first I brought out $180 thinking this is all I'll spend but nope, 2 minutes later that's gone so here we go another $200 lol. The best part about this whole convention was that David Kaye (aka Beast Wars/Beast Machines/Unicron Trilogy's Megatron and Animated's Optimus Prime) was there but he wasn't the one that i met or got asked for an autograph or even asked for a voice mail recording for lol. The one person I met was Mark Ryan the voice of transformers Revenge of the Fallen Jetfire! I asked him to do a voice mail for me as Jetfire =D, yes I have it! Also I bought only the stuff that was on my so called "wanted list".  I even met Dan Khanna the artist who designed the artwork and headsculpt of Punch/Counter Punch figure, AND I even bought the Punch/Counterpunch figure from him. After the TFCon well I wanted to go home but was hungry well, I got some Subway and went to a Sushi store.

Here's the pics!

"Let's call it Double Tree"

Lobby? looks good?

Yeah this is just when you enter.

The People!!!!!omg too many people!!!!

The Table that I bought the art prints from also the table where I spent $180! Mr Dan Khanna is sitting there and drawing away. Think the guy in the brown shirt is up to something.
Brown shirt dude: Hmm this looks like it's worth taking....
Vendor: DON'T even think about it! BACK OFF BACK OFF!

"Hey Shmuck how ya doin!"

"Eyy my shorts is shiny"

A black Optimus Prime a repaint from Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime was going for $195 I walked away before I would turn back and take it, even tho of all the "exclusive stuff" on my wanted list I'd have thought twice before I put it on my wanted list yet!

Just some "shmuck"

Another one...


All of it is like well sort of rare/exclusive o.o

Here's the stuff as listed:
Top left : Transmetal 2 Cybershark
Bottom left: 00 gundam + 00 raiser (He's still being built so it'll be up on the blog well I dunno in a week? I wanna take my time building this kit it's sweet!)
Mid top: Botcon Razorclaw's card he's sitting in a bag to the right the yellow/red fella
Mid bottom: Japanese Hotshot
Top right: Marvel universe The Ting man! LOL aka The Thing
Bottom right: Punch/Counter Punch a TFCC exclusive this thing was bought for $170 yep a small box but the good part is he can change himself from Decepticon to Autobot back n forth & transform in to the car at the same time totally one sweet articulated figure! This belonged to Dan Khanna it is also signed by him!
Bottom right on the very far side: movie Divebomb that was only available at walmart but I never got a chance to get him so I got him at the tfcon!

Transformers the Universe United Poster by Alex Milne! It has almost every bot well not all fo em its has probably only 100 out of the 500 but hey it's got all the main chars from the Universe line and none of them are G1 YAYA! This print is HUGE!

Primal Prime with Airrazor and Tigertron print
Botcon Autobot spark (ppl may say crap about his figure but, I still love it, maybe I'm a sucker for bright colours? I'll get the figure eventually)

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