Tuesday, August 31, 2010

00 Raiser Complete!

I present the 00 Raiser! It's finally been completed (completed it like 2 days ago), all I wanna say is this one was fun to work on! & I'm looking forward to the GN - X and 7 Sword 00 Gundam.

Let the pitures do the talking for this one!
I honestly didn't even wanna blog about this today, I've so many pics to go through of this guy just to get this little post together lol

First thing is the Accessories:

As always the boxart! Preety awesome as he's sliced up a Sudo GN X (I'm pretty sure that's an A LAWS Ahead or GN - X)

0 Raiser, Attaches to the back & shoulders of 00 Gundam to make 00 Raiser!

Twin Swords + Extra Hand

Twin Shield, joined together to display as a shield, it splitsi n two and attaches to the hsoulders of 00 Gundam like the 0 Raiser.

 00 Gundam.

00 tries to find a watch on his arm. *Pretends it's there*

Me: Think of a pose now!
Sir, Yes, Sir!
(Thought of Brigade from Marvel Nemesis)
"Ah, wooden pavement"

 "I like to FEEL stuff!"

 Poor 00 didn't think his arm would fall off with all that.
(It was loose I didn't attach it properly, but I fixed it so it gave me an idea to pose him like this)

"Like this?"

"OR like that, huh? Sexy right?"

And for those of you who didn't think he had any weapons, think again! He's got big bad shoulder boobies!

00 checks the time again, this time he thinks he really does have a watch and its time to.......

"Get some damn Spatulazzzzz!"
"Cook eggs on the left! Make fritata on the right!"

"That was boring...let's try combining those swords."

LET'S GET.....


"Poke what?"

yea yea I get it, you're very strong.


"If anything may happen to you honey, Don't worry, my GN stuff will save you."

Shield becomes the wings too.

"Who wants some pork chops! huh? You chubby?"

Is it time for Docking mode yet?

I'm not a fan of the look of 00 Raiser cuz, I dunno it just looks like some bulky crap hangin down his shoulders. Sometimes it looks good to me, sometimes nah.

"0 Raiser docking mode, 0 Raiser docking mode!"
Now I just wish I had a pink Haro.

00 Raiser!!!!!!

Too lazy to shoot?

What's he trying to shoot anyway? I'm tired....
This pic is meant to show some poses that can be achieved with the 00 Raiser mode.

Now this one I like! 
This ends my rambling about the 00 Gundam, up next will be some of my new aquirements for my collection and probably 00 7 swords Gundam.

Friday, August 27, 2010

00 Gundam Work in progress + Marvel Universe Iron spiderman Aquired!

Finally got a chance and added the Swords and I've got like 40% of the 00 Raiser finished.

Some pics here:

00 with Swords, they do turn in to spatula like guns.

00 Raiser not completely done yet, this kinda reminds me of Starscream since, he's a jet n all.

The 3.75" Marvel Figure I've been waiting for:



Saturday, August 21, 2010

00 Gundam Work in Progress

I've been building this kit for weeks trying to get every touch up or paint ap I do perfectly but, it's just taking so long. so, here's some WIP pics:

Yes you see my Drift back there, but he'll be blogged later, what we have here is unpainted wrists, toes, holes in arms, those grey side pieces on the legs and even the face needs black.

GN Drives were painted aswell

So, here's the feet, wrists, arms, and face with black detailed on to them, i'm now working on those grey sides on  the legs

00 EXIA! I have a custom in mind, I'm going to make a 00 Exia a combination of 00 Gundam and Exia Gundam, but not this one.

Keep watch for more updates on the 00

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Epic battle!

LOL I found this image online, thought I'd share, this is the best gif I've ever seen tho.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

00 Gundam Seven Sword!

Got him today, haven't even finished the first 00 Gundam and now him haha, should keep me busy well, for now just a boxed pic.

I thought that thing in his right hand was a GN sword, but no It's a Gn Sword x Canon, like Reborns Gundam.
Says so on the box lol

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gundam Seed/Destiny! Moving on to Gundam 00!

 First of all I'be already started to collect the Gundam 00 Gundams, and I'm already building the 00 Gundam, soon enough i'll have him up here, but till I'be gotten my favourites from Gundam 00 I will not be getting mroe of the Gundam seed/Destiny ones, But the best part is I ALREADY got my favourite ones, there could be like 2 or 3 more that I like besides my favourites in Seed/Destiny line, but hey, I'll worry about it afterI've gotten the 00 ones.
Before I can move on to the Gundam 00 line, I'd like to show off the Gundams that I've already blogged about but, it's just a "before moving on to the next Gundam line" thing.

I just had to take extra pics. Here's well all of the Gundams from Gundam Seed/Destiny line that I wanted, obtained and built.

Legend Gundam

Providence Gundam

The old and the new together

Legend, Providence, Gale Strike

 Providence and Big Convoy, dunno where Big Convoy comes from in this pic, but he's there shootin down I dunno what. 

Gale strike, Well because He's neither from Seed/Seed Destiny, He stands alone, He's part of the Seed Comic Stoy. I like this one way better than the Strike Gundam, cuz it's upgraded with Swords and his shoulders stand out, same with the knees, BTW He CAN change back to Strike Gundam tho (But i'm never going to do that)

Here Comes the Strongest Suits of Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny Series:

These be the good guys:

Pilots:  Left to Right (Kira, Athrun & Cagalli/Mu La Flaga aka Neo Roanoke's Gundam

Strike Freedom (I didn't get Freedom cuz it looks crap compared to Strike Freedom)
Infinite justice (No Justice Gundam cuz well it looks crap too)
Akatsuki (The Gold suit with 2 types of backpacks

And here's the bad guys:

Pilots: Left ro Right (Ray za Burrel aka Rau Le Cruset's Clone,  Shin Asuka, Rau Le Cruset)

Legend Gundam (Really wish they made a Master Grade of him cuz this is my favourite one...)
Destiny Gundam (Thinking of getting a Master Grade of him, cuz it's got darker colours I dunno lol)
Providence Gundam (First gundam to have a Dragoon system)
And there you have it all of my gundams till now, I'm actually not that huge of a gundam collector, more of a Transformers collecter, but I love to collect these aswell, mainly only the cool ones, cuz I just hate Zakus and stuff, they're just not Gundams, to me they don't look cool enough. But, If it's kick ass looking Gundams, Oh yes! I'll buy it!

Untill I get the Gundamm 00 Gundams that I need (building 00 Gundam + Raiser + Gn swords + Gn Shields atm), I won't be getting more of Gundam Seed Destiny Gundams, I dunno it's like a priority thing for me, that I must get the strongest most important ones first, or the most rare ones first and then the rest, even if the rest look cool, gotta wait till afetr the rarities are aquired hehe.

ok ok I'm really motor mouthing here too much, Alright people, Chao!