Friday, February 18, 2011

1/144 Gundam Throne Eins

My Second throne Gundam, Not planning to get Throne Drei soon as it doesn't even have any special purpose inthe anime other than spreading GN particles, atleast Throne Zwei is a Sword type and Throne Eins (the one that I'm posting about atm) is for firepower. All Gundam Throne units are not ORIGINAL Gundam because they're equipped with fake GN drives not the original 4 GN drives that only Celestial being's 4 Gundam's have. So they're somewhat limited. For example, the first 3 Gundam Throne units can't use the Trans Am mode.

First off is the Boxart:

"Releasing compressed GN particles......"

Incomplete without the GN canon on his back.

Complete with GN canon, I decided to paint the crotch white part red.

This is the way I keep the GN canon, on it's back then on the shoulder, you can always rotate it to w/e you wanna display it like.

or like this.

The canon can also be used like a buster except theres no handle to hold it, it'll stay like this preety well.

Ofcourse the GN canon (geting really tired of typing the wod "canon") can extend.

Daddy Trinity!

Side by side Throne Zwei!

In my opinion if you only want one Gundam Throne unit, go for Throne Zwei, or Eins, actually I'm not even sure which one, choose the one the you like lol.

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