Friday, July 27, 2012

Superman - Man of Steel Trailer

A Reboot of Superman Movie is coming up, I am hoping this will be very good:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Most Recent Purchase...UNICRON!!!!

While I already own the Black version of this toy (that doesn't sound very right) But more to the point, I decided to buy this version as it's THE UNICRON. The original colors and well COOLER than original and well SHINIER and more of a UNIVERSE daddy of baddy.

Oh man that sweet packaging!

"I am just THAT good?"

Couldn't help but take multiple pictures.

Ah the comparison between a supreme class and a ............... Bear class?

Looks like he has the Bear cornered..........

Unicron tested his strength several times before he fell to the fluff.

This is as disturbing as it is a tough job for Unicron.

But once he felt the fluff...........

He became friends.......I know very non creative and boring story but hey it was fun.

Primus! Mother of Transformers!

So............took pics of him..........not much else to say.

Such a cool toy out of a series that didn't make a lot of sense hahaha.

Movie 2007 Night-watch Optimus Prime

Not my figure, It was given to me to be fixed, I only installed the parts that were to be installed in order to make this figure complete. Once it was complete I couldn't help but take some pictures of it just before it went back to it's owner.

Let me just say that I do not like Movie figures, this one's an exception as it's not even accurate to the movie much, plus It's a different paint scheme.

Pretty cool looks more like a Nemesis Prime.

POINT & SHOOT too bad he doesn't come with a BAZOOOOOOOOOOOKAAAA!!!!

Giant Micheal Bay monstrosity made in to an OK toy. Glad I don't own it....HAHAHAHA

Reveal The Shield Rodimus Prime Mod!

Did this a month back.............

I hated the first version of this mold and sold it, while I was hesitant to get this version because of the G1 blue windows, I decided to paint them Black. It worked out waaaay too well that you can't even notice if it was EVER Blue.

While it was still incomplete & I then went around the edges again.

Now my eyes are at peace WITHOUT the blue. Phew!

Transformers Prime: Bulkhead

Been a while since I got a chance to post these pics, mainly for the reason that I rather archive them here then to keep them in my computer (Trust me it's much easier to look at my pics here than at Photobucket or back to a post on the forums)

While people love the "FIRST EDITION" mold of this figure (which has a show accurate chest), This version is absolutely more accurate, due to the fact that his legs, chest & thighs are BULKY as they are in the show.
Also he has the shoulder pads that aren't present on the "fan boy favorite FIRST EDITION mold"

To anyone interested or one who hasn't seen this before, I present a mod to the already AMAZING figure of Transformers Prime Robots in Disguise Bulkhead.

A look at the figure out of the box.

So I did a mod where I detached the mace of his useless Powerizer weapon, I then drilled a very tiny hole in to the back of his hand so that a punch pin could fit in, allowing the use of his mace in a more "show accurate" style.

Side view of the weapon mod.

Here's what I desperately WANTED to create out of this figure's weapon.

Another view and to the right a LOBO!

Another look showing how "cool" it is now. I can imagine him lighting up his head with fire and doing some Ghost Rider stuff any moment now.

While the figure looked a little bit "empty" I decided to add the giant Autobot insignia to make it cooler.

Then I looked through my Transformers parts box and found Universe Overload's gun that matched Bulkhead's paint apps. Hell I think he's a full fledged WRECKER now!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Transformers Armada Nemesis Jet Convoy?

Something I just acquired today. A Costco Exclusive Optimus Prime (Dark colored) and an Overload.

Here are some pictures of the Prime figure!

 A COOL TRUCK is all I can say about this.

One more pic before I forever doom the toy to only Robot mode for life on the shelf haha!

Prime's Robot mode, There's also a Super mode with the Truck's trailer but I skipped it cuz what I wanted to do was combine him with my Astrotrain figure to create a Dark Jet Convoy!

This is the Astrotrain figure that I already own for years.

Pretty cool huh?

And this is how he shall stay forever, I feel bad for the guy that became the pants, poor him he will forever feel the pain of being a guy's B@ll$.

Here's another piece I acquired today, the name's Overload. I have taken the extra canons from a junker extra Overload I had from before and now this guy is fully OverLOADED!

2 More pics showing the artillery this guy is packing now.