Saturday, July 7, 2012

Transformers Armada Nemesis Jet Convoy?

Something I just acquired today. A Costco Exclusive Optimus Prime (Dark colored) and an Overload.

Here are some pictures of the Prime figure!

 A COOL TRUCK is all I can say about this.

One more pic before I forever doom the toy to only Robot mode for life on the shelf haha!

Prime's Robot mode, There's also a Super mode with the Truck's trailer but I skipped it cuz what I wanted to do was combine him with my Astrotrain figure to create a Dark Jet Convoy!

This is the Astrotrain figure that I already own for years.

Pretty cool huh?

And this is how he shall stay forever, I feel bad for the guy that became the pants, poor him he will forever feel the pain of being a guy's B@ll$.

Here's another piece I acquired today, the name's Overload. I have taken the extra canons from a junker extra Overload I had from before and now this guy is fully OverLOADED!

2 More pics showing the artillery this guy is packing now.

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