Friday, February 21, 2014

New Transformers Games!

Don't think I'll get a chance to play them, but let's see first we have the Console game Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark Trailer:

And I'm sure those of you who like to spend tons of time on your computers will like to spend it here.............Transformers Universe:


Generations Metroplex

Alright so this is a figure I basically traded some of my unwanted figures for. I didn't like it when I didn't have it and I don't like it now. Basically all the articulation is there on this figure. However, the figure is too blocky and bricky to look any better with articulation.

Nevertheless I took some pictures before I put it back up fro sale MINUS his 2 Huge guns that look really cool on other Figures.

So this is basically 24 Inches tall. This is no joke. This is the largest Transformer ever made in to a toy.

But meh... that's that. He's got a Base Mode, Floater Mode, and hes HUGE.
(His alternate modes are not fun enough for me to take pictures of)
Now check this, he comes with 2 guns that mount on his shoulders but, they look even better on other figures.



Super Gatling Fire Blaster?

And this is why I've to sell Metroplex without his 2 Huge guns now...........

Jet Mode Bazookas!

More Arms Microns/Minicons

Got these guys a while ago, recently finished them so here they are. Probably the last of the Arms microns/minicons I'll ever get.

Arms Microns are well Minicons/Targetmasters. They are like power up little guys that combine/transform to become a weapon or tool for larger Transformers to use. Hence these are compatible with any Transformer Figure.

These guys have some weird names in Japanese so I'll just use numbers & names

1. The Cross Bow:

Robot Mode

Bow Mode. It can be mounted on to other Transformers figures for added accessory and stuff like that.

2. The Saw Blade:

Robot Mode

Saw Mode. Really cool!
3. The Sword:

Robot Mode

Sword Mode
Notice I haven't taken any pictures of them being used with Transformers Figures? Well I think everyone gets the idea that these Arms Microns/Minicons are usable with any Transformers Figure. 

 This is cool but unlike the other combinations of previous Arms microns/Minicons that I've posted, this doesn't look too good.

Another Shot

Monday, February 17, 2014

Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus Armor Kits!

These kits made by a third party company called "Transformazing Toys" completely "Transform" the Original Fall of Cybertron optimus and Ultra Magnus Figures to a whole new look.

Let's begin by taking a look at Optimus and his Original Robot Mode:

Pretty cool to my eyes but let's get this thing equipped!

"Yo, Check this!"

Chest smokestacks!

This is Brilliant! The Red and Blue version of this Upgrade works so well!

Oh and BTW the Face Plate Mask can come off!

There are several ways to use the weapons, Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Energon Axe, Pole-arm as shown in above pictures.
Lets see how Ultra Magnus looks:

 Cool as is but!

The Armor can do better!

 Cool stuff eh?

Not too bad, but the color combination on this guy isn't quite working for me anymore.

I think I'm getting to the point of selling the Ultra Magnus version, The Optimus version works best for me!
The Blue and White (Ultra Magnus) version is the same but the color combination isn't my thing. Sometimes you gotta get both in-front of you to decide.

Decepticon Combiner Menasor!

Menasor is comprised of 5 Decepticons: Motormaster, Dragstrip, Deadend, Wildrider and Breakdown. They combine to form Menasor, but each have their own individual Robot and Vehicle Modes.

First Motormaster:

Looks like an 18 Wheeler Truck buuuuut it can be smaller....

Pretty neat huh?

I had hoped his robot mode to look much more menacing but this works.

Guns and More Guns.

So if you were wondering "Hey where do all those truck parts go?" well they become optional artillery!


Now that is sweet.

Let's take a look at his combiner buddies one by one


 This car mode looks sweet.

Robot Mode.

A Ferrari!

Robot Mode.


Robot Mode.

 Lamborghini Too!

Robot Mode.

Now I know their individual modes are not really something to write about. In-fact if it wasn't for the Robot Modes, they look like extremely cheap knockoffs. Their Robot Modes make the figures stand out. After all these years of waiting for a Menasor combiner I'm sure people are not even interested in how the figures look individually anymore.

While on that topic and just before I show pictures of the Combiner Form (Menasor) I'd like to get something off my mind. Many collectors on the extra geeky level these days have started to Bitch and Whine over the size of deluxe figures. Sure companies are starting to reduce costs such and such. Now look at the pictures I've posted above. These robots EXCEPT for the Truck (Motormaster) are all smaller than a regular Hasbro Deluxe Transformers figure.

So those of you who praise Third party for "Making up for Hasbro and Takara's mistakes" know that you're paying TOP DOLLAR (At-least 45-55$ a piece compared to 15-20$) for Third Party Figures smaller than CURRENT size of Transformers Hasbro/Takara Deluxe Figures in many cases! And guess what? You're not complaining about the size after paying that much!

Bottom line: STOP BITCHING AND WHINING! and base your reviews upon how the figure Portrays the Look, Character, Articulates and Transforms.


Combine them all to form MENASOR!

Oh yes, all the parts everything and nothing wasted to form this deadly bastard!

Best part, the Combiner Mode retains all articulation and more compared to the Individual robots.

And it happily joins my shelf. That reduces my total wants to 3 this year. Good stuff! Money can be spent better elsewhere =P