Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Arms Micron Dark Matter Calibur Sword!

What is an Arms Micron? Simple, Minicons that amplify a Transformer. This one is an exclusive that is hard to obtain and well I finally have it so there's the excitement for ya!

These 3 are the Dark version of the previously posted versions in below links: (referred to as Dark Matter Calibur)



Anyhow, I needed to obtain a "darker" version of the "dark" sword to provide the right amount of "darkness" to my Nemesis Prime with Unicron's Armor.

Left: Crab
Middle: Crocodila
Right: Vulture

Crocodila becomes a handheld gun

Crabby becomes a handheld sword

Vulture becomes a ...butcher's knife?

The point is, these Minicons can be used with other Transformers figures as separate weapons

Now the best part, they combine to form the Dark Matter Calibur sword!

and this is how it looks wielded by a figure

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