Monday, April 18, 2011

1/144 Raphael Gundam

So this might not look the way it is supposed to be built (I'm talkin about the backpack) but, this is just how i'd have it, the canons hanging on his back just didn't have a use for them, even in posability, so I decided to buidl the backpack in a way that both canons are able to pose at the same time:

First up is the box ofcourse:

 Laser feet,  claw & and a big useless hat is how he's SUPPOSED to look....

 Now he's a heavy artillery suit like the Seravee used to be, like seriously you can have some feet looking weapons shooting beams but, not as a primary weapon. Bazookas is the way to do it for Tierrea (the Gundam's pilot) the same way the Seravee and Virtue were.

See if you build it this way you can have all of his weapons pose at the same time.

I bought this kit, to really have the canons done another way, and that's exactly what I did, I'm happy with what I've done with this model kit, sometime in near future I'll take more pics of Raphael Gundam posed. But for now I didn't really have time to pose and take pics. Till next time folks.