Thursday, March 28, 2019

1/144 Gundam Crossbone X1 Full Cloth with Meteor Hopper

Pirate Gundam!

I do not know who, what, when, where, why this Gundam exists, but all I know is that it looked cool enough for me to purchase it and add it to my "to be built" pirate Gundams crew. If only Kira piloted this weapon master!

In its "Full Cloth" mode there is no articulation, the cape look just blocks all articulation. Then again I should not complain, it is the CAPE MODE for a reason.

Without further jibberish let's commence bombardment of images:

Too many laserzzzzzzz

For a 1/144 High Grade build, too many parts...just too many.....

The amount of detail required to panel line is also kind of infuriating

 The end results though....oOOOOOO

 This I guess is where the name "Full Cloth" comes from. See the skull heads on his shoulders? They are actually knuckled weapons too

4 spinning thrusters! I read somewhere about this Gundam, I am not really interested in the small details but apparently, those 4 spinny things harness moon's energy or some crap to power up or something. Whatever, they look cool

Shed your skin and show us what's under............ That came out wrong.


Fist sabers

Shield mode (Which I think was a stolen idea from Gundam Seed)

Weapons overkill, this beam sword would be super deadly in real life

Blunderbuss pistol and pirate sword mode

Aim and fire!

The overkill crossbow that has EIGHT damn barrels!

He is literally armed to the TEETH, look closely his mouth has an opened faceplate to show the um...MOUTH CANON!

Dagger mode 

Feet daggers

Beam Sabers! Darth Vaders!

My personal favorite

Dark Hound and Crossbones - Pirate Gundams Assemble!

Now for the Meteor Hopper, this is a unicycle, one wheeler, I really liked that there was such an accessory for Gundams. Above all this has that LIME GREEN! You know what else has lime green? THE NEXT POST!

Yeah ignore the "Wing Gundam Fenice support unit" it supports all 1/144 Hg Gundams

Parts layout

Cycle with the stand, the wings can be taken out and applied to any 1/144 HG kit as backpack wings, these wings from what I can tell are heavy molded 00 Gundam Raiser's wings. Yes, the joints are provided to attach them to actual Gundams. This cycle is more than meets the eye!

The front stand can be removed from the cycle but then everything will fall. So don't do that!

More thruster power for when you need to take a whiz fast. REAL FAST! I suggest everyone keep a unicycle in your home to navigate to the restroom quickly.

Hope you enjoyed this one.

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