Saturday, February 23, 2013

Arms Micron Gaia Unicron and his new Armor Mode!

Well, I will be very honest I did not like this Unicron's figure. Reason being that the figure didn't do much for a display piece other than being shiny. However just when I put it up for sale, I thought of an idea to combine it better with my Optimus Prime figure. Now this figure is SUPPOSED to combine with the Transformers Prime Optimus Prime figure in this manner...................

My god that is hideous and makes the Optimus Prime figure look like crap............
Keep in mind Optimus looks kick ass WITHOUT armor anyway.
Check it out here in my older posts: (Oh you'll see him in those posts just scroll down)

Anyway those links should be more than enough to prove how great a figure the Prime Robots in Disguise version of Optimus Prime is.

So how do we improve upon that ugly armor? well here's my best try:

So this is what I came up with, I simply poped the parts off of the Unicron, no need to remove them by cutting them, they just come off. No modifications needed either.

Better look to let it sink in.

While the horns make a heart shape, I was easily able to look past that. Dunno why but it works so well here.

So I decided to add the chest piece to the chest as well.

Now this Prime is ready for that whole BEAST HUNTERS thing that is coming up in the next season of Transformers Prime.

Why not add a sword? It LOOKS back heavy, I assure you it is not, it's the angle I wanted to take the picture from. The Optimus figure alone is EXTREMELY GOOD at keeping BALANCE.

Before I end this post let me show you how Unicron looks in the box:

Pfffttttt, weird Unicron huh? Of course I could pose it better in to something like this before I did whole combination huh?
Oh and I'm not releasing that Shiny Metallic Optimus from his box cage just yet hehe.
 Hmmmm....but that still doesn't make me wanna display it like that.

Game Purchases!

Well I had been waiting to get my hands on these 2 games for a long time. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance JUST came out last week and Asura's Wrath has been out for a long time. But I never finished my last game purchases so I held off on getting Asura's Wrath.

 An art book full of game character concept images such n such & a Gray Fox skin code came with it as well. I'm playing the entire Game as Gray fox, I like the new Raiden look however playing as Gray fox is what I had always wanted to do in a Metal Gear game.

Research Gray Fox on wiki to find out who he is. I've already explained it many times when I was posting launch videos on this game.

A little review on Revengeance from me:
While people do think that this game sucks due to the fact that Platinum games made Bayonetta, which BTW was pretty much a button masher and while you could make your own combos, you didn't know how you were executing them 75% of the time. People tend to judge this new Metal Gear game the same way due to Platinum games making Bayonetta.

I did sort of have the feeling that Platinum games MIGHT do the same to this game. But I was surprised to find out that they didn't. They made this game so that we could actually feel we're executing moves and how we execute them is an option to US. I'm impressed. And this is the best single player Ninja Game to come around on current Gen consoles so far. Of course there is Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Blade, Afro Samurai etc etc, but they don't come close to the DESTRUCTION that YOU CAN CAUSE in a game stage. There are upgrades to be bought, different weapons to be wielded/upgraded and even ROCKET LAUNCHERS, GRENADES ETC ETC.

For those who only played the demo and judged this game, I'm sorry you haven't had enough game play to judge it. What do I mean by "enough game play"? Well I mean that you ONLY need to get used to the controls. Now for me that whole "Cut where you will" thing was so hard the first time around and then when I got in to the groove of performing moves together I automatically adapted to it. Like running a hot knife through butter.  First person shooter lovers WILL have a hard time adjusting to 3rd person controls, in that case I suggest you keep away from Devil May Cry (The new rendition of that game) as it has combos BEYOND your imagination. And as usual they will grade the game according to their First person shooter point of view.

Graphics are over the top and the story is just what you would expect from a Cyborg Ninja game. The soundtrack is great and works amazingly well with every single battle.

Now if you think that this game is not worth the 60$, then by all means DO NOT spend money on it now. Wait a couple months and like every single game, it will come down in price a bit. But I'm rating the game on an enjoyment level: FANTASTIC!

Then there's this one, an over the top cinematic interactive "movie" game. Why do I call it "movie"? Well it's like you're watching a story but you get to do stuff. THAT for this game is good, as it works phenomenally well here.

Maybe I should make it a habit to write short reviews? I don't know. But it feels right I guess?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Will of Fire Edition Trailer!

Hopefully there will be a True Despair edition trailer as well. Yes there is 2 Pre-order versions. One is True Despair Edition and the other The Will of Fire Edition.

The game comes out in March, can't wait hehe.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Arms Micron Dark Caliber Sword!

I know right? Where's the sword at the beginning of the post? Hold your horses I'm getting there. But first take a look at how they are formed in to a giant blade hm?

Right: Crabby mode.
Left: Bow mode.

I know not very interesting, but this will all come in to play in the next few pictures, so keep thinking that this is boring.

Right: Vulture mode.
Left: Butcher knife.

But there's one more Minicon!!!!

Right: Crocodile Mode
Left: Blaster mode.

So why the hell did I show you the three Arms micron/Minicons? Well for one they are weapons on their own with beast forms and for two....................

(What a long ass name for a sword, I'll just call it DARK STAR SABER!!!!!!!)

Yes I have 3 of them, why? They're soooooo coool, but not cool enough till someone holds them.

 Optimus has AGAIN voted to be the weapon tester. He's never tired of trying out new Arms Micron weapons.

Another shot eh?

Dual wielding is not a problem. and the swords are light. That's good!

Uh huh? Mess with him and you get the? H o r n s? Oh please this quote can be used ANYWHERE.

"I'm Optimus Prime, I'm very angry due to holding 2 heavy swords at one time!"

Let this sink in........

Oh there was that scene in an episode, when Optimus cut a bolder in 2 with the swing of his sword and you know......

Takara Fall of Cybertron Optimus Prime

Posted a comparison pic last week and while it was an awesome difference between the 2 versions, I still think there needs to be mroe pictures of this guy.

Sweet Red!

This is literally one picture taken from many perspectives. Hahaha

Dunno why but he just looked so good in this stance with 2 guns. Yes I have 2 guns for this Prime.

A Clean shot never hurts.

Arms Micron Wildrider

A Remold of the Wheeljack toy. However as Wildrider it looks cool as well. C'mon a Dark Grey and Maroon Red figure with swords and a grenade launcher? WIN!

Yeah I know. Not my picture but I didn't transform mine in to vehicle mode soooooooooo I had to take an internet image to show off the Car mode. The colors are actually very dark Grey. 

Check out that grenade launcher. I love these Arms Microns, Takara has really come up with innovative ideas on Weapon/Minicon/Minicon/Weapon? Hehe

He can slice some ice!

Oh and here's a few more shots from another blogger:
He shows off how his colors really look and well some more poses.

Beast Hunters Wheeljack

A very spiky look, I like it and of all the Beast Hunter ideas from the first wave of Hasbro, this one works best in my honest opinion, this figure ALMOST reminded me of Batman for some reason. Maybe it was the spikes on his shoulders? Either way compared to the original Wheeljack figure that was show accurate, this one adds a whole lot of bulk and toughness to the character and figure. This figure was actually given to me by a friend and named by another friend to "Wheeljackal" So be it, I'll call it WHEELJACKAL.

Check that vehicle mode! This guy definitely qualifies to be in Death Race. 

I've seen many pictures of him with his back wings open and all the other cool stuff, but none of him standing still just posing for the camera, so there it is.

Amazing shredding sort of weapon, it looks like a spear, a glave and w/e else you wanna call it. It has this DOUGHNUT on its end which you can remove or keep inside the weapon. the doughnut thingy opens and i think it's used for the purpose of handcuffing his opponents.

This shot makes it look the the weapon is flaming?

He's ready for some Beast Hunting eh?