Sunday, February 17, 2013

Arms Micron Dark Caliber Sword!

I know right? Where's the sword at the beginning of the post? Hold your horses I'm getting there. But first take a look at how they are formed in to a giant blade hm?

Right: Crabby mode.
Left: Bow mode.

I know not very interesting, but this will all come in to play in the next few pictures, so keep thinking that this is boring.

Right: Vulture mode.
Left: Butcher knife.

But there's one more Minicon!!!!

Right: Crocodile Mode
Left: Blaster mode.

So why the hell did I show you the three Arms micron/Minicons? Well for one they are weapons on their own with beast forms and for two....................

(What a long ass name for a sword, I'll just call it DARK STAR SABER!!!!!!!)

Yes I have 3 of them, why? They're soooooo coool, but not cool enough till someone holds them.

 Optimus has AGAIN voted to be the weapon tester. He's never tired of trying out new Arms Micron weapons.

Another shot eh?

Dual wielding is not a problem. and the swords are light. That's good!

Uh huh? Mess with him and you get the? H o r n s? Oh please this quote can be used ANYWHERE.

"I'm Optimus Prime, I'm very angry due to holding 2 heavy swords at one time!"

Let this sink in........

Oh there was that scene in an episode, when Optimus cut a bolder in 2 with the swing of his sword and you know......

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