Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Naruto Ultimate ninja Storm 3 New Gameplay

A better look at which battles we will be going through, so far......FANTASTIC!

We get to play as ALL THE OTHER Jinchurikis! This is awesome!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Arms Micron Leo Prime

FINALLY! A Leo Prime with a cool bio. I actually researched enough and found out that his bio suggests he someone crossed over to the Transformers Prime Universe from the Beast Wars 2 Universe and when he did he also found his body in a different form.

He came with a Minicon that turns in to a sword but I bought the Gold Matrix Blade to go with this guy so I didn't need his Minicon Sword there anymore So guess who got it? Dreadwing! Check that out here:

There IS a Hasbro version of this mold called Thundertron, it's painted with blue and well looks VERY boring........his bio suggests that he is a "Space Pirate" Sure...........Leo Prime wins this one!

And YES he has a lion mode which I didn't take pics of bah w.e

In box image with the Sword. That Sword is HEAVY. It's made of metal....and quality wise holy crap the best! Thanks to Eric for getting me that too!

Now because he's a "Space Pirate" as the Hasbro mold, Takara kept that little gimmick so he of-course can have a PEG LEG!

He's coming for you!

Looks like some sort of an old Prime.....He IS one, but so cool!!!

When bored..........take more pics of the same stance!

If he was running at you with that sword and those claws on his shoulders, trust me YOU WOULD RUN!

ALRIGHT 2 more pics of the same won't hurt! Not exactly same if you look at the lighting and shadows. =]

Oh so I didn't take any pics of him in "DYNAMIC POSES" Well screw you he looks better like this HAHA!


Arms Micron Dreadwing

Remember the Hasbro one I posted? No? Here:

Something about it was lacking, maybe it was the dull paint job  maybe the useless weapon......don't know and don't care anymore I've got the better Takara version now so I'm at peace with that.

Problem with this version is that it came with a gun that looks like some sort of fish. I had gotten an extra sword for the figure in the upcoming post Leo Prime. So I was glad that Leo Prime's Minicon can now be given to Dreadwing. And now this Dreadwing has a sword JUST like he has one in the show. Cool eh? Sometimes it helps to buy some extra weapons for some figures +_<.

Shining is his box!

If you compare this paint job to the one I've just sold and given you the link to at the top of this post, this one CLEARLY WINS!


Arms Micron Silas Breakdown

Now then you have to admit that we all loved the idea of Breakdown's death and revival with a human in his chest operating all systems and blah blah. This figure did it more justice than the show. It makes sense to have a grill in-front of the chest. I mean if a human is gonna sit in there he has to have SOME protection. Make no mistake this figure FULLY transforms!

Check out that damaged head and eye!!!


I'd really like to see this guy more on the show than just ONE episode.

That's how he is on my shelf and YES I do have space for HIM on the shelf. Hehe

Here he is beside his former self!

And here with his Autobot repaint Swerve!

All 3 together!

One more!

Arms micron Nemesis Prime

This guy is a repaint of Optimus Prime. Don't remember which one? Well this one in this link here:
And that will also explain how pose-able this figure actually is!

I LOVE this mold so much, people do like to complain about this mold because it's not "cartoon accurate" well guess what? NO FIGURE is cartoon accurate except for Anime figures. So suck it up! and enjoy the figure you have!

What amazing color choices on this guy! It comes with Teal colored stickers to give it the feel of classic Nemesis Primes I guess, but I'm not applying them.

On the right: The Sword Minicon he comes with, I didn't really find that weapon so very suitable.
Then I tried the 2 Mechtech guns on him in the pic of the left and that didn't seem right either sooooooooooo......

I decided to use the Gun from another TF Prime Optimus Prime figure which works perfectly well with him, only problem is now that Optimus Prime figure is left without a weapon but no matter suitable and more accurate blasters are arriving for him later!


Arms Micron Ratchet

The Hasbro version sucked. Not because it didn't have a Minicon but because it just lacked in quality. The plastic is DIFFERENT on the Hasbro one, you have to have both in hand to decide this. Plus it's swords were sucked. So I got the Takara version and oh man does this thing look 10x better in every single way.

Here he is with his Minicon being used as a sword.

I recently got 2 Mechtech weapons from my friend Mitch, thanks to him I can try combinations of weapons like these.

And now some Minicon fun!

Gatling Gun kits!

Ah yes finally some weapons that truly look and work like Gatling Guns should. These things are amazing. A friend named Eric was able to get these for me and most of the Japanese stuff is through him. So all the credit goes to him.  Now as for the Guns, they even SPIN, All you need do is turn the little rotating handle at the back as much as you want then let it go and the gun will spin for a long time and I mean A LONG TIME!

These Guns come with a connector piece so people like me who have Gundam kits can easily peg them in to a Gundam's elbow piece and give them a Gatling Gun arm!

These Guns also come with a 5 mm peg that can peg in to Transformers Figures for added FIREPOWER!!!

With or Without the Cartridge!

Or just simply Gatling Gun?

Or just simply have a Transformer hold them!

Now in the TF Prime show Dreadwing uses a Blaster that looks like this. (His Brother Skyquake uses the Gatling Gun version, i'll be giving one Gun to Skyquake whenever I get that toy and whenever the toy is out. He's basically a repaint of Dreadwing).

Unfortunately the toy comes with a shitty weapon that doesn't look nearly as good as this.
