Sunday, December 23, 2012

Breakdown & Knockout

Here's 2 more Takara figures, Breakdown is an amazing figure, a big beefy bruiser of the Decepticons. I like hulking characters and this guy's one of them. However I acquired 2 of this mold's upgraded versions so it seems I won't been needing this Breakdown. Same goes for Knockout, at first I thought Knockout was an amazing figure but as time passed I didn't want to keep that figure in my collection. They're both amazing figures tho.

Box in box.

Both together again.

 At-least his "PAINT" is shiny on the Japanese version, the Hasbro version is just some dull Red.

Something is missing on this figure.......something I don't like.........

Trying out different Minicons on him to make it look any better.

I think this is the Minicon that should have come with this figure rather than the one that becomes a staff/trident sorta thing.



Here's Breakdown.

Amazing aesthetics just amazing! Still his "other" versions/repaints/remolds are MUCH MUCH MUCH better. This version is cool in it's own right but, had I not gotten the other versions, I wouldn't be selling this guy hehe.

He can pose REALLY well.

Some more shots.

Holding the Minicon Mace.

Any combination of Minicons would look amazing on him!

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