Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Arms Micron Dreadwing

Remember the Hasbro one I posted? No? Here:

Something about it was lacking, maybe it was the dull paint job  maybe the useless weapon......don't know and don't care anymore I've got the better Takara version now so I'm at peace with that.

Problem with this version is that it came with a gun that looks like some sort of fish. I had gotten an extra sword for the figure in the upcoming post Leo Prime. So I was glad that Leo Prime's Minicon can now be given to Dreadwing. And now this Dreadwing has a sword JUST like he has one in the show. Cool eh? Sometimes it helps to buy some extra weapons for some figures +_<.

Shining is his box!

If you compare this paint job to the one I've just sold and given you the link to at the top of this post, this one CLEARLY WINS!


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